Readiness: On request


Sosnovaya Ulitsa, Sorochany Cottage Village, Dmitrovsky Urban District, Moscow Oblast, Russia

1 offer in this village

starting from 2 million

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Protected settlement located in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region - along the Dmitrovskoye highway, 47 km from the Moscow Ring Road. Its territory is divided into 101 plots. There is a large private lake on the territory of the settlement. Approximately 3 km from the settlement, the Moscow Canal flows. Within 500 m, there is a well-known ski resort "Sorochany". The settlement is built with three-story multi-apartment brick houses, townhouses, and separate 2- and 3-story cottages. All cottages have internal garages. Buyers of apartments are provided with parking spaces. All residential buildings are equipped with engineering networks from central communications: gas, electricity, water supply, central sewage. The settlement has its own water intake and purification facilities. The settlement has a range of sports facilities: indoor swimming pool, fitness club, several indoor and outdoor sports grounds, tennis courts, and a golf field (14 hectares). Sauna, Turkish and Russian baths are available for relaxation. The internal lake is equipped with two beaches, fishing cabins, a boathouse, and an ice rink in winter. The territory of the settlement is landscaped and transformed into a landscape park. The territory is fenced and guarded around the clock.

About the village

  • Square

    before 350 m

  • Parking

Offers in the village «Sorochany» (1)

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Readiness: On request


starting from $ 2 million

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Readiness: On request


Fortuna Cottage Settlement, Dmitrovskoe Shosse, Sheremetyevskaya Station, Mytishchi Urban District, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Information about available  objects  is provided on  request