

During the closed events of the Saudi Arabia Week in Moscow, Kalinka Ecosystem presented projects in the KSA and talked about strategies for successful investments in a new direction.

During the meetings, experts spoke about the prospects for the development of the Kingdom, investment strategies, as well as the scheme of work through Saudi real estate funds that create cells for Russian investors. Thus, according to the company's analysts, the return on investment in real estate in Saudi Arabia may amount to 25%.

The active development of Riyadh, investments in Mecca and Medina, the construction of the city of the future NEOM and the open-air ski resort Trojena, the development of the tourism industry – these and other market drivers create attractive opportunities for investment and portfolio diversification. The amount of foreign capital that enters the region reaches astronomical proportions. Not just megacities, but giga cities are being actively built in the country.

"We live in times of serious changes that open up new opportunities for us," said Ekaterina Rumyantseva, founder of Kalinka Ecosystem. – We know what a business strategy should look like, taking into account the specifics of the region and from which assets it is necessary to assemble a real estate investment portfolio in order to receive high returns. ...Today we see our mission in making this knowledge available to as many people as possible."

The founder of the company presented the project "Arab Meters" - a closed mutual investment fund Kalinka Real Estate Consulting Group and the management Company "Alfa Capital". This product allows small investors to invest from 1 million rubles in the UAE real estate market, participate in the development of the economy of the Middle East and at the same time earn up to 20% per annum. But Kalinka Ecosystem did not stop there: now you can invest with the help of the company in real estate in Saudi Arabia.