
ID 172439

Land plot 22hundred — Forest Dawn

RussiaForest DawnNovorizhskoye Highway Highway27 km from MKAD

886 008 $

39 910 $/ acres

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Forest plot of 22 acres in the cottage community "Lesnye Zori." The plot has a regular shape with central utilities: gas, electricity, water, sewer. There is an option to increase the area to 22 acres. An enormous forest area next door offers a great opportunity for walks and outdoor sports.


  • Square

    22.2 ac

  • From Moscow Ring Road

    27 km

Village Forest Dawn

  • Readiness On request
  • Distance from Moscow Ring Road 25
  • Property area 257 - 686 m2
  • Plots area 7 - 51 ac
Modern cottage village "Forest dawns" is located surrounded by a beautiful mixed forest, not far from Pavlovskaya Sloboda, in one of the most popular and environmentally friendly areas of the Moscow region. When designing and constructing the village, all the most modern requirements for country housing were taken into account. Large, well-appointed, guarded territory, including a walking area and a children's playground. Operating central utilities. Peaceful landscapes of the middle strip, the privacy of forest plots, and the good infrastructure of the neighboring "Forest dawns" sanatorium contribute to a comfortable living and pleasant leisure.
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ID 172439

886 008 $

39 910 $/ acres

  • MRR

  • Plot

    22 ac

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