
ID 176421

Land plot 11hundred — Truvil

RussiaTruvilMinskoye Highway Highway18 km from MKAD

748 161 $

65 228 $/ acres

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The plot has a regular shape, located in a cul-de-sac, in a developed cottage community called Truville.


  • Square

    11.47 ac

  • From Moscow Ring Road

    18 km

Village Truvil

  • Readiness On request
  • Distance from Moscow Ring Road 18
  • Property area 350 - 1200 m2
  • Plots area 7 - 40 ac
The suburban cottage settlement is located on a territory of 16.5 hectares, 2 hectares of which are occupied by a magnificent lake. All decisions regarding layout, finishing, and landscape design are meticulously thought out - the settlement harmoniously blends with nature, and reviews from those who compare it to the French village of Trouville confirm that the idea has been successfully realized. Each plot has two parking spaces. The infrastructure occupies over 30% of the settlement's area and includes all necessary facilities for comfortable living and various types of recreation: wide roads and sidewalks, artistic lighting in the evenings, diverse recreational areas, a children's club, mini-hotel, restaurant, spa clinic with a pool and gym, heated outdoor pool, and an equipped beach on the lake shore. Land category: residential land, individual housing construction.
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ID 176421

748 161 $

65 228 $/ acres

  • MRR

  • Plot

    11 ac

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