Readiness: On request

Znamenskoye Pole

Znamenskoe Pole Territory, Gorki-2 Village, Odintsovo Urban District, Moscow Oblast, Russia

9 offers in this village

starting from 764,72 thsd

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The prestigious village of "Gorki-2" and the entertainment complex "Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo", the restaurant "Veterok", supermarkets "Azbuka Vkusa" and "Perekrestok", prestigious schools and preschool institutions, and the sports complex "Katok.RU" are all within walking distance of the "Znamenskoe Pole" cottage settlement. In addition, the advantageous location of the cottage settlement allows its residents to freely access all the facilities of the rich infrastructure of Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway.

About the village

  • Square

    starting from 200 before 1700 m

  • Parking

Offers in the village «Znamenskoye Pole» (9)

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Readiness: On request

Znamenskoye Pole

starting from $ 764,72 thsd

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