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Silver Keys
Russia, Moscow Oblast, Odintsovo Urban District, cottage village KIZ Serebryanye Klyuchi
2 offers in this village
Cottage village "Silver Keys" is located 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road on Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway, in the forest park area of the Odintsovo district. You can reach the capital in 15-20 minutes. Nearby is the country complex "Gorki-2" with its rich infrastructure. The Moscow River embankment and a pine forest are located nearby, which reliably shields the cottage village from the city noise. Renting property in the village "Silver Keys" means enjoying vacation in the midst of nature near Moscow.
There are 17 cottages on the territory of 6 hectares. The complex has long been populated, and property can only be purchased on the secondary market. The houses are built according to individual projects using natural construction materials. Some cottages have billiards areas, a swimming pool, a home theater, and an artificial reservoir on the plot. Well-kept surrounding areas with landscaping. The roads in the village "Silver Keys" are paved and have convenient access routes to each plot. Renting a house in this area means getting comfortable accommodation at affordable prices.
The village is equipped with all the necessary utilities. There is centralized water supply, electricity, and gas. There is a communal service responsible for maintaining the territory, and a sewage system is installed. Security is provided by a security service, and video surveillance is installed around the perimeter. Residents have access to the infrastructure of the Odintsovo district: shops, restaurants, sports and shopping centers are open. The best schools and gymnasiums are available for children in Gorki-2. Elite educational institutions of Rublevo-Uspenskoe are also within walking distance. Buying property in Rublevo-Uspenskoe today, you can sell it at twice the price in a few years.
About the village
starting from 350 before 2800 m
Offers in the village «Silver Keys» (1)
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Found 1 object
Swimming poolBy the forest
ID 128694
35 000 000 $
2800 m2
Silver Keys, Rublyovo-Uspenskoye Highway Highway, 18 km from MKAD
18 kmPlot
190 acBedrooms
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