Readiness: On request

Polesye PZHK

Russia, Moscow Oblast, Odintsovo City District, cottage settlement PZHK Polesye

6 offers in this village

starting from 1,85 million

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The village is built on the territory of a forest area, providing coolness, freshness, and pleasant seclusion. The village is equipped with central communication systems. Professional security service ensures round-the-clock protection of the village. The houses are built in a long-established picturesque, forested settlement, surrounded by excellent infrastructure and convenient transport links. Excellent well-thought-out layout. Nearby infrastructure includes Lomonosov School, State Assumption Lyceum, "Sosny" School, Developmental Children's Center "From A to Z", private kindergarten, French kindergarten, farmer's market, English kindergarten, Orange Fitness, and shops.

About the village

  • Square

    starting from 410 before 900 m

  • Parking

Offers in the village «Polesye PZHK» (5)

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Found 5 objects


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Readiness: On request

Polesye PZHK

starting from $ 1,85 million

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