Readiness: On request

Novogorsk 7

Russia, Moscow Oblast, Khimki, Novogorsk Microdistrict, Sosnovaya Street, 50

2 offers in this village

starting from 4,84 million

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Well-maintained streets and sidewalks, bike lanes, and a landscaped mini-park with a cascade of water bodies, along with many seemingly unnoticed "little things," create a unique atmosphere of respectability and tranquility. Thanks to its minimal distance from Moscow, residents have access to a nearby infrastructure of the capital level, including household services, cinemas, fitness clubs, and restaurants. Nearby are both public and private schools, as well as kindergartens. At your service: a swimming pool and fitness rooms, a ballroom dance school, and fitness clubs.

About the village

  • Square

    starting from 1200 before 1780 m

  • Residential complex type


  • Parking

Offers in the village «Novogorsk 7» (2)

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number of storeys
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Land area

Found 2 object


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Readiness: On request

Novogorsk 7

starting from $ 4,84 million

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