Readiness: On request


Russia, Moscow, Voskresenskoye settlement, Gorodishche village, Vishnyovaya street

1 offer in this village

starting from 934,74 thsd

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Elite village located 8 km from the MKAD along the Kaluzhskoye highway, in an environmentally friendly area, in close proximity to the popular "Volynskoye" resort. The proximity to Moscow and the presence of high-speed highways provide good transportation accessibility. The territory of 8 hectares is occupied by individually designed houses. The unified concept of construction has been preserved. The landscaped gardens include pine, birch, and spruce trees. All utilities are central. Well-thought-out access roads, sidewalks with quality pavement, and areas for relaxation and walks are another advantage of the village. The village is fenced off, with a control checkpoint and professional security service at the entrance. The village is equipped with sports and playgrounds, a football field, and a basketball court. There is a medical center, supermarket, and sports club. Nearby are the Moscow River floodplain reserve, Bubnovsky and Petrovsky forests.

About the village

  • Square

    before 700 m

  • Residential complex type


  • Parking

Offers in the village «Gorodishche» (1)

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Readiness: On request


starting from $ 934,74 thsd

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