Readiness: On request

Gorki 6

Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk Urban District, kottedzhny posyolok Gorki-6

11 offers in this village

starting from 1,24 million

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Gorki-6 settlement is located very close to the capital, just 6 km from the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD), which is perfect for people whose work schedule is closely tied to the ability to quickly reach any point of the metropolis. It is a wonderful opportunity to live in harmony with nature, enjoy the clean air provided by the relic trees of the nearby coniferous forest, and at the same time not lose any benefits of civilization.

About the village

  • Square

    starting from 350 before 1200 m

  • Parking

Offers in the village «Gorki 6» (8)

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Found 8 objects


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Readiness: On request

Gorki 6

starting from $ 1,24 million

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Other villages

Readiness: On request


Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk Urban District, Settlement of Dachnogo Khozyaystva Arkhangelskoe, 14

Information about available  objects  is provided on  request