Readiness: On request

Blizhnee Pokrovskoe

Russia, Moscow, Filimonkovskoye Settlement, Block No. 22

1 offer in this village

starting from 1,16 million

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Picturesque place on the slopes of the Neznayka River surrounded by forest. The cottage village consists of only 48 plots located on two clearings. There are forest and riverside plots with access to the river. It is also possible to combine plots up to 1.5 hectares, including renting the forest. Central utilities include gas, water, electricity, sewerage, stormwater drainage, telephone, internet, and dispatching, as well as low voltage lines.

About the village

  • Square

    before 300 m

  • Parking

Offers in the village «Blizhnee Pokrovskoe» (1)

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Readiness: On request

Blizhnee Pokrovskoe

starting from $ 1,16 million

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Other villages

Readiness: On request

Belgian Village

Russia, Moscow, Sosenskoye Poseleniye, Letovo Village, Belgiyskaya Derevnya Cottage Village, 70s2

Information about available  objects  is provided on  request