Swimming poolBy the forest
A brick house is offered, located in a fully residential secured community with central utilities - Osenn-1. The house is surrounded by a forest area. Perfect tranquility. Nearby is the entrance to Meshchersky Park, X-Fit, The Rink, the "Seasons" cafe, the Skolkovo Management School, the "Socrates" gymnasium, and the Skolkovo golf club.
House layout:
Basement: bathroom, pantry, laundry room, swimming pool, sauna, shower, gym, staff room, boiler room;
1st floor: hallway, dressing room, living room with fireplace, playroom, kitchen-dining area with access to the veranda in the barbecue zone, bathroom, garage for 2 cars;
1.5 floor: study;
2nd floor: bathroom, master bedroom with a spacious veranda and large dressing room, 2 bedrooms.
House layout:
Basement: bathroom, pantry, laundry room, swimming pool, sauna, shower, gym, staff room, boiler room;
1st floor: hallway, dressing room, living room with fireplace, playroom, kitchen-dining area with access to the veranda in the barbecue zone, bathroom, garage for 2 cars;
1.5 floor: study;
2nd floor: bathroom, master bedroom with a spacious veranda and large dressing room, 2 bedrooms.
380 m2
25 ac
From Moscow Ring Road
3 km
Number of storeys
Finished with furniture
Village Осень-1
- Readiness On request
- Distance from Moscow Ring Road –
- Property area 380 - 1000 m2
- Plots area 25 - 40 ac
Кoттeджный поcелок «ОCEHЬ-1» — этo мecто, где инновaции Cколкoвo вcтречaютcя c тишиной и вeличиeм Мeщeрcкого Лeca, с его вековыми дepeвьями и чиcтым воздухoм. Идеaльное сoчeтание трaнспopтнoй доcтупноcти, paзвитой инфpастpуктуры и уeдинения. В поселке всего 35 домовладений, что создает неповторимую атмосферу камерного уюта и приватности.
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