By the forest
A beautiful three-story house in classic style with an area of 1000 sq.m. is a space designed for those who value comfort and aesthetics. The house is equipped with all necessary modern communications: a silent hydraulic lift, video surveillance, a mini-PBX, fiber-optic internet, automatic solar blinds, security alarms, air conditioning in all rooms, and a water purification system.
The interior of the house is designed with impeccable taste, in classic style with elements of luxury. Most of the furniture was brought in from Italy. Spacious rooms are filled with natural light. The centerpiece of the house is a reception hall of 145 sq.m. — a true masterpiece, with a marble floor, chandeliers made of gilded bronze and Spanish crystal, as well as ceiling friezes covered with gold leaf. The unique atmosphere is enhanced by a private art gallery, which houses a collection of artworks (sale separately possible). Many halls are decorated with French silk, adding an air of noble charm to the interior.
The house also features three spacious master bedrooms and an office with a mahogany library. The basement includes technical and utility rooms, as well as a sauna, relaxation room, and billiards.
Your own access to Meshchersky Forest offers 465 hectares of natural harmony with coniferous trees, ponds, sports and children's playgrounds, benches, and well-maintained paths kept in perfect condition year-round. This area will become your personal oasis for active recreation and leisurely strolls.
You will have a 40-acre plot of land adjacent to the forest with a private entry directly into it. The landscape design harmoniously combines tall pines and birches, creating an atmosphere of natural luxury.
The interior of the house is designed with impeccable taste, in classic style with elements of luxury. Most of the furniture was brought in from Italy. Spacious rooms are filled with natural light. The centerpiece of the house is a reception hall of 145 sq.m. — a true masterpiece, with a marble floor, chandeliers made of gilded bronze and Spanish crystal, as well as ceiling friezes covered with gold leaf. The unique atmosphere is enhanced by a private art gallery, which houses a collection of artworks (sale separately possible). Many halls are decorated with French silk, adding an air of noble charm to the interior.
The house also features three spacious master bedrooms and an office with a mahogany library. The basement includes technical and utility rooms, as well as a sauna, relaxation room, and billiards.
Your own access to Meshchersky Forest offers 465 hectares of natural harmony with coniferous trees, ponds, sports and children's playgrounds, benches, and well-maintained paths kept in perfect condition year-round. This area will become your personal oasis for active recreation and leisurely strolls.
You will have a 40-acre plot of land adjacent to the forest with a private entry directly into it. The landscape design harmoniously combines tall pines and birches, creating an atmosphere of natural luxury.
1000 m2
40 ac
From Moscow Ring Road
3 km
Number of storeys
Finished with furniture
Village Осень-1
- Readiness On request
- Distance from Moscow Ring Road –
- Property area 380 - 1000 m2
- Plots area 25 - 40 ac
Кoттeджный поcелок «ОCEHЬ-1» — этo мecто, где инновaции Cколкoвo вcтречaютcя c тишиной и вeличиeм Мeщeрcкого Лeca, с его вековыми дepeвьями и чиcтым воздухoм. Идеaльное сoчeтание трaнспopтнoй доcтупноcти, paзвитой инфpастpуктуры и уeдинения. В поселке всего 35 домовладений, что создает неповторимую атмосферу камерного уюта и приватности.
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