
ID 155176

House 520 m2 — Pestovo Golf Club

RussiaPestovo Golf ClubDmitrovskoye Highway Highway33 km from MKAD

931 895 $

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Дом 520 кв.м. на участке 25 соток в закрытом охраняемом поселке “Пестово Гольф-клуб”.

Цоколь: подсобное помещение, две сейфовые комнаты;
1 этаж: прихожая, гостиная с камином, кухня-столовая, спальня, ванная комната, спортивный зал, зимний сад, котельная;
2 этаж: 4 спальни, ванная комната, 2 гардеробные, кабинет;
Мансарда: помещение свободного назначения.

В доме подключены все центральные коммуникации.

Дом расположен на красивом лесном участке с большими деревьями.

На участке отдельно стоящий гараж на 2 машиноместа с квартирой для персонала на втором этаже.


  • Square

    520 m2

  • Plot

    25 ac

  • From Moscow Ring Road

    33 km

  • Number of storeys


  • Bedrooms


  • Bathrooms


  • Cabinet
  • Fireplace

Village Pestovo Golf Club

  • Readiness On request
  • Distance from Moscow Ring Road 23
  • Property area 520 - 1400 m2
  • Plots area 25 - 97 ac
The settlement is located on the shores of Pestovsky reservoir - here, moorings for motor and sailing vessels of various displacements are equipped for the residents of "Pestovo". In addition, the cottage settlement has its own yacht club, which will be a real gift for lovers of an active lifestyle. Nearby the cottage settlement "Pestovo" is also the largest sports and shooting complex in Europe called "Lisya Nora", which includes shooting ranges, badminton courts, tennis courts, clean sandy beaches, bars and restaurants, a golf course, bicycle and boat rentals. 25 km from the settlement is a large suburban resort - the sports park "Volen", where you can find ski slopes, restaurants, boutiques, tennis courts, bike paths, and much more. A little further away is the sports resort "Sorochany" with 10 ski slopes, comfortable cottages, cozy cafes, and high-class restaurants.
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ID 155176

931 895 $

  • MRR

  • Plot

    25 ac
  • Bedrooms

  • Bathrooms


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