An overview of the elite secondary real estate market in Moscow
- In general, in the secondary market of the capital, according to the results of the 1st quarter of 2024, the supply level increased compared to the end of last year: the number of ads increased by 9% and amounted to 23,743 lots, but over the year the indicator decreased by 14%
- In the elite segment, the volume of high-quality supply in the secondary market continues to decline: at the end of the 1st quarter, as well as at the end of 2023, 722 lots were exhibited for 131.9 thousand square meters, which is lower than the same period last year by -18%
- The average area of the exhibited lot was 182.6 square meters, which is 4% less than in the same period of 2023
- The largest share of the supply is concentrated in the area range of 100-125 sq. m (16%)
- The main volume of secondary supply in square meters is represented in Khamovniki – 26%, followed by Presnensky district – 17% and Ramenki – 14%
- The weighted average price in the secondary market was 1,379 thousand rubles/sq. m (+19% per year)
- The maximum weighted average unit prices of offers in the Yakimanka area are 1,814 thousand rubles per square meter (+23% per year) and in the Khamovniki area – 1,685 thousand rubles per square meter (+19% per year)
- According to Rosreestr, in the 1st quarter of 2024, 30.2 thousand transfers of ownership rights were registered in the secondary housing market in Moscow (all classes), which is -9% less than it was a year earlier
- According to the Kalinka ecosystem, demand in the secondary market of high-budget real estate in the 1st quarter of 2024 showed a decrease of 5% compared to the same period last year amid a decrease in supply
- The main share of transactions fell on lots with an area of 125-150 sq. m (+6% per year) and 100-125 sq. m (-9% per year)
- For the 1st quarter of 2024, the average value of the demanded lot in the secondary market amounted to 145.1 million rubles, which is +3% more than in the 1st quarter of 2023
- The highest demand was in the Khamovniki districts with a share of 22% and Presnensky, whose share was 14%
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