How to earn with a strong ruble?
The recent strengthening of the ruble, prompted by the inclusion of the Moscow Exchange in the station list, creates a unique opportunity for profitable investments in foreign real estate.
A strong ruble – your key to luxury abroad
On June 12, 2024, the Moscow Exchange was included in the station list, which led to the strengthening of the ruble against the US dollar. This means that the ruble is now at a record high, and foreign assets, including real estate, have become more affordable for Russian investors.
Why is now the best time?
Favorable exchange rate: The ruble has strengthened by ~10%, which means that foreign real estate has become 10% cheaper for Russian investors.
Risk of ruble strengthening: Analysts predict further strengthening of the ruble to the level of 72-82 rubles per dollar, which can make investments in foreign real estate even more profitable.
Capital withdrawal: The strengthening of the ruble may further lead to the withdrawal of foreign currency abroad.
Don’t miss your chance!
If you or your clients have considered investing in foreign real estate, now is the time to make this decision. We will help you choose the best options, considering your individual needs and budget.
Contact us to get detailed information on available options and start your journey to investing in luxury real estate abroad.
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